Concrete Rebound Test Hammer - Original Schmidt
The quality of concrete is mainly judged by its
compressive strength directly affecting the load-bearing capacity and
durability of concrete structures. Proceq invented the Original Schmidt, the world’s first and now most widely used test hammer for analyzing the compressive strength of concrete properties.
The Original Schmidt will hit the concrete at a
defined energy whereas its rebound is dependent on the hardness of the
concrete and is measured by the instrument. The Original Schmidt is
available in models with different impact energies. Each test hammer is
designed for a specific test application, in order to meet the needs of
the customers to investigate a wide range of material types and sizes,
such as bridge decks, thin walls, cast stone components or small
- Type
N Original Schmidt: Rebound values are read from a scale for subsequent
calculation of the mean. Compressive strength values can be read from a
conversion diagram
- Type NR Original Schmidt: Rebound values are
recorded as a bar chart on a paper strip which has a capacity for 4’000
test impacts
- Type L Original Schmidt: Handling equals type N, but the type L offers an impact energy three times smaller
- Type
LR Original Schmidt: Handling equals type NR, but with impact energy
three times smaller. The LR also features a paper strip for recording up
to 4’000 test impacts without reloading
- Ideally suited for on-site tests of concrete
- The concrete test hammer is suitable for testing a wide variety of concrete, mortar and rock, but also for testing metal castings
- Handy for difficult to access or confined test areas (i.e. working overhead)
- Assessment on young, soft concrete with mushroom plunger of the concrete test hammer, eg. asphalt strength testing
- It can be even used for underwater applications
- Combining Methods to Evaluate Concrete Strength
- Concrete test hammer SilverSchmidt Type ST N - Standard impact energy (2.207 Nm)
- Concrete test hammer SilverSchmidt Type ST L - Reduced impact energy (0.735 Nm)
- Concrete
test hammer SilverSchmidt Type PC N - Standard impact energy (2.207 Nm)
with PC communication, increased memory capacity and Hammerlink
- Concrete test hammer SilverSchmidt Type PC L- Reduced
impact energy (0.735 Nm) with PC communication, increased memory
capacity and Hammerlink software
The following standards can be applied to the concrete test hammer:
- EN12504-2 (European Standard)
- ASTM C 805 (North American Standard)
- JGJ/T 23-2001 (Chinese Standard)
Informasi Harga Terbaik, Stok dan cara pemesanan silahkan hubungi :
Marga Setia / TantanTeknik
Alamat : Jalan H.Kelik 20 RT.03/RW.08 Kelapa Dua
Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Phone : 082217294199 – 082112325856
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